College Prep Stooping Club

Spend Less, Save Earth™


 2,139 preloved items diverted from the landfill

 1,784 of those found good homes

  293 happy customers across the Bay Area 

 8 partnerships

5 branches across the US

What our customers say

Founder's Story

     One day, William was walking his dog when he stumbled on a pile of household items lying on the curb. Looking closer, it was a jumble of perfectly usable dishes, Legos, books, crystals, and more, all for free. It was such a waste to see these really nice, valuable street treasures left out and destined for the landfill. 

     Over the next two years, William devoted his free time to keeping useful items out of the landfill and learning web design from YouTube. In junior year, he founded Stooping Club to share his deep passion for community service, thrifting and sustainability with his school. On October 20, 2023, William took Stooping Club to a whole new level by launching our website, where customers can check out preloved items for free. What started off as a hobby and school club has grown into a multi-branch student-run initiative. Our mission is to engage youth around the world in sustainable entrepreneurship to fight consumerism and climate change. Spend less, save Earth


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